Since leaving CIE my professional practice has been to promote and apply a comprehensive approach in dealing with social issues. This has been done in federal government positions, training activities in the private sector, grassroots promotional work, academic work, and also in building and developing grant-making institutions.
My first position was as deputy director of Planning in the Technical Direction of the Instituto Nacional para la Educación de los Adultos, in charge of planning, programming and budgeting at national and state level. I then moved on to a position as Technical Director of the Instituto Nacional para la Educación de los Adultos (INEA) in Mexico City.
From 1987-1991, I was the Director of Research and Development in the Centro de Cooperación Regional de Educación de Adultos y Alfabetización Funcional para América Latina (CREFAL), an intergovernmental institution founded by UNESCO, and supported by the Organization of American States and the Mexican Government. (Pátzcuaro, Michoacán, México). Subsequently I became the General Director of Fundación Demos, I.A.P., a not-for-profit and grant making organization aimed to support financially social projects in favour of children, aging people, handicapped, peasants, native people, and also to promote income generation in rural and urban areas, protect ecology, social co-responsibility, and foster local development.
I then took a position as the General Coordinator of Planning, at the Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Morelos (State University) in Cuernavaca, Morelos, México and subsequently became the Secretary of University Extension there.
Currently I work as a consultant especially interested in issues such as decentralized social management and government, local development, financing development, inter-sectoral synergy, governance, transparency, accountability, and construction of new models of social interaction and building citizenship. [10-20]
Email: varredondo47@gmail.com