Valerie Miller

Since graduating from CIE, Valerie has worked in advocacy, international development, gender, and human rights for more than 30 years. She has collaborated with grassroots organizations, social movements, NGOs, and international agencies as an organizer, advocate, popular educator, evaluator, and researcher. Valerie is a founder and an active leader of Just Associates (JASS), a women’s collective dedicated to strengthening the collective organizing power of women.


In June of 2019 she wrote: I continue be active with JASS -- writing, researching and doing training. I will be teaching at Chautauqua this summer on Women Changing and Challenging Power. I then head to SE Asia in fall for a workshop with women' activists working in hostile contexts, and I just finished a chapter on popular education for an upcoming book.


From coordinating a national human rights coalition dedicated to ending US military support to Central America in the mid-1980s, Valerie went on to help organize and direct a US campaign on behalf of children’s rights in the 1990s. A leader of US Congressional and media delegations to key foreign policy regions, she has served as an advisor to House members, their staffs as well as journalists and documentary producers.


Over the past 20 years, she has been policy advocacy director at Oxfam America, director of policy and exchange programs at the Institute for Development Research, and advisor and associate of a variety of organizations including ActionAid International, the Highlander Center, and the Participation, Power and Social Change Group at the Institute of Development Studies.


Valerie has published numerous books, articles and working papers over her career.  She is the co-author of a book entitled A New Weave of Power, People & Politics: The Action Guide for Advocacy and Citizen Participation. The product of many years of work with organizations around the world, the book takes a holistic and innovative approach to citizen participation and advocacy.


She co-authored an IDS bulletin entitled Rightsbased Development: Linking Rights and Participation — Challenges in Thinking and Action.


She has published a book and an article on the Nicaragua Literacy Crusade as well as numerous working papers for the organizations she has worked with. [4-20]






Graduation Year: 
5-year span: 
CIE Graduate