Tracey has extensive experience in education and civil rights. Her work history includes 15 years as a civil rights investigator, consulting for various community-based organizations and working with public and private organizations to develop more inclusive programs and cultivate greater cultural competency. She has also taught in higher education at both the undergraduate and graduate levels for more than 25 years.
In 2023, she is now working as the Interim Director and Interim Title IX Officer at the University of California San Francisco. Before that she was employed as the Director of the Office of Affirmative Action and Equal Opportunity at the University of Oregon. Earlier she was the Title IX Officer at UC Santa Cruz.
Beginning in 2012 she worked as a civil rights investigator with the Vermont Human Rights Commission. She discussed her work in a YouTube video. In part of the discussion she describes the gap between the technological savvy of young children and their much less well developed moral sense, which is a function of their age. The gap is one of the factors that contributes to harassment and bullying in schools.
Email: traceytsugawa@gmail.com