After a decade, it’s about time for an update. I’m now in my seventh year as a senior fellow at the Hong Kong Institute of Education and my thirteenth year in Hong Kong. Prior to coming here, I spent three years in Mainland China at Hebei Teachers’ University, first conducting the research for my dissertation and then staying on to teach. Thus my ‘one year in China’ evolved from interview research to university teaching to ESL program development, a lovely wife and two children, curriculum development for a new university, teacher education work, some curriculum consulting and a total of seventeen years - so far.
A career that began as a Peace Corps volunteer in the highlands of Papua New Guinea has somehow landed me in an urban jungle - one of the most densely populated places on earth. I try to get back to Mainland China whenever I can, and the Institute is developing new partnerships and programs there, giving me some opportunity. But my work here has been mostly with the local education system, pre-service teacher education and some in-service training in the education reforms. Some of my favorite work - in addition to the linguistics and curriculum classes I teach - has been in developing blended modes of teaching and learning, such as Wikigroups, and rethinking with my wonderful colleagues the models and practices of the teaching practicum.
In 2012, I donated a portrait of CIE's founding father, Dwight Allen, to UMass, and a portrait unveiling ceremony was held during Homecoming Week. You can watch the ceremony here on YouTube.
CIE friends and family are always welcome to visit the Institute here in Hong Kong. You'll find an eager audience for any education work you've been doing ... or it's a lovely rest stop en route to more pastoral destinations. [5-13]
Email: taylortimothy@yahoo.com