Stanley D. Gajanayake (Ed.D. 1986)

Stanley Gajanayake passed away in March 2021
His obituary can be found Here.


Before coming to CIE Stanley was a lecturer at Maharagama, a well-known teacher training college in Sri Lanka. 


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Nana Ruth Mbelle Seshibe (M.Ed. 1975; Ed.D. 1979)

Nana Ruth Seshibe passed away in June 2015
Her obituary can be found Here.


Originally from South Africa, Nana was active on behalf of the Pan African Congress and as a result was forced to flee to Tanzania where she continued her fight against apartheid. In 1963 she moved to the U.S. to get her Bachelor’s degree before coming to CIE.


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Don S. Graybill (Ed.D. 1989)

Don Graybill passed away in August 2008. 
His obituary can be found Here.


At the time of his passing Don was the Director of BEPS Activity working in Indonesia as the Chief of Party of USAID’s Indonesia Decentralized Basic Education III project with Save the Children.


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John Bing (Ed.D. 1979)

In 2023, although now fuly retired John is still active in supporting Afghanistan where he was a PCV many years ago!


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David Walker (Ed.D. 1979)

While still working in Nepal on my doctoral research (Understanding Pictures), I was hired as World Education’s technical adviser on a USAID grant to design a nonformal education program for rural villagers. From 1979 to 1986, I worked with the Center for Research, Innovation and Development (CERID) at the Ministry of Education.  Initially, the program focused on visual materials to stimulate discussion and generate awareness, but the groups kept asking when we were going to teach them to read and write.

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Vicente Arredondo-Ramírez (M.Ed 1981; Ed.D. 1982)

Since leaving CIE my professional practice has been to promote and apply a comprehensive approach in dealing with social issues. This has been done in federal government positions, training activities in the private sector, grassroots promotional work, academic work, and also in building and developing grant-making institutions.


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Willard D. Shaw (Ed.D. 1983)

I came to CIE in 1979 via nine years in Nepal/Asia working in agriculture, fisheries, ESL, and Peace Corps training and three at the East-West Center, swapping the cool breezes of Oahu for the brisk winds of Amherst at the urging of John Comings, who said it was the right place for me to do my doctorate.  He was correct.  I found a vibrant learning community of kindred spirits, all of whom had significant development experience like the folks in my group such as Mike Basile, Margaret Maxwell, Kofi Bioh, et.

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Ellen Whitehead Kornegay (Ed.D.1983)


Ellen passed away on July 4, 2021 in South Africa


Since her retirement in June 2014, Dr. Kornegay has worked on the drafting of South Africa’s Fourth National Plan of Action for Children (2019-2024). In 2016 and 2017 she conducted the annual pre-screening and pre-ranking of South African applicants for the Senior Fulbright Research program.  In 2016 she co-supervised UNISA second year social work group work students.


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Richard L. Betz (M.Ed 1981; Ed.D. 1984)

Besides Peace Corps, my work in international development included four years in Lesotho as CoP at the Lesotho Distance Teaching Centre for a USAID project backstopped by Jim Hoxeng; five years in Botswana with AED as Deputy CoP/In-Country Training Coordinator for a USAID private sector & manpower training project; two years as CoP to a USAID training project in Swaziland backstopped by Patrick Fine


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Mohlabi Kenneth Tsekoa (M.Ed. 1981)

Since completing my Master’s degree at CIE, I have been exploring a forest of challenges and inspirations.  In brief, here is some of what I have been up to:


When I returned to Lesotho, I was took up the post of Director of the Lesotho Distance Teaching Centre. With a team of about 50, led, managed and ensured the provision of NFE and basic education for youth and adults. Then, I graduated (reluctantly) to a position of Deputy Principal Secretary, Ministry of Education where I eventually became Principal Secretary.


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