Grant Steve

In 2014, Johns Hopkins University Press published Steve's second biography, Collecting Shakespeare: The Story of Henry and Emily Folger. In the years since then, he has given over 80 talks on the Folgers, including six across the pond in these locations: London, Oxford, Cambridge, Bath, Stratford-upon-Avon, and St. Andrews in Scotland. Brits are a tad jealous that the largest Shakespeare collection is not in the UK but in Washington, D.C. Book reviews, videos, book trailers, and blog posts are available on Steve's Web site.  He blogs monthly on the Folger Shakespeare Library’s site, The Collation. [10/20]


His first biography Peter Strickland: New London Shipmaster, Boston Merchant, First Consul to Senegal (New Academia, 2007) was the 29th volume in the Diplomats and Diplomacy Series that is intended to increase public knowledge and appreciation of the involvement of American diplomats in world history. It recounts how Connecticut Yankee Strickland strove to survive and prosper from 1864 to 1905 in the midst of a strong French colonial presence in Senegal — first as captain of merchant ships in the trans-Atlantic trade and then as the first US consul in Senegal, indeed the first in French West Africa..


St based this account on extensive research, including US consular dispatches, a daily personal diary over 64 years, obscure documents in libraries in the eastern United States, and Consul Strickland’s correspondence with French authorities that the author unearthed in the Senegalese national archives in Dakar. [12/06]


Steve’s earlier career as a Foreign Service officer included long-term postings to the developing world, with assignments to Cote d’Ivoire, Guinea, Egypt, Indonesia, and El Salvador.  Ultimately they led to his fascination with historical postcards and the publication of three books reproducing and analyzing old postcards. In his talks he often enjoys the unique billing of “biographer and deltiologist,” the latter term referring to a person who collects and studies picture postcards. Steve has donated more than 7,500 picture postcards to the Smithsonian’s National Museum of African Art of the past several decades from Egypt, Cote d'Ivoire, Guinea and Senegal.  The Smithsonian has released a one minute video about the digitization of the Stephen Grant Collection of African Postcards.[10-20]


More recently he has posted a set of personal memories and postcards from France as he begins yet another collection.  Cards posted on his web site feature scenes from the French Riviera in the early 1900's. [11-20]




Entrance Year: 
Graduation Year: 
5-year span: 
CIE Graduate