Stanley Gajanayake passed away in March 2021
His obituary can be found Here.


Before coming to CIE Stanley was a lecturer at Maharagama, a well-known teacher training college in Sri Lanka. 


While at CIE he pursued his interest in participatory approaches to rural development.  His dissertation focused on the using participatory training approaches with village-level leaders to promote rural development in Sri Lanka.


After graduating from CIE he returned to Sri Lanka to join his wife Jaya Gajanayake. In 1991 he returned to the US to join his wife, who had returned to the US and was working at Northern Illinois University (NIU). In 1996, David Kahler hired Stanley to be a long-term consultant with World Education. Stanley started by working as a training advisor on a World Education project in Cambodia and went on to work on projects in several other countries. He subsequently worked for three years as a consultant with UNICEF in Cambodia.


In the following years, both Stanley and his wife held a variety of teaching positions at NIU until they retired and moved to San Antonio, Texas.  During his retirement Stanley began working on a book about the 2500 year history of Sri Lanka. [4-21]

Entrance Year: 
Graduation Year: 
5-year span: 
CIE Graduate