I returned to Kabul in 2010 and joined Computer Science Department of Natural Science Faculty at Kabul Education University (KEU). In mid-2010, I was elected as the chair of Computer Science Department. I led the department in addition to teaching various courses in both computer science and pedagogy.
In fall of 2013, I developed a proposal in coordination with my department members to promote the department to the status of a faculty. I talked to administrators at KEU and the Ministry of Higher Education and presented the reasons the department should be promoted to faculty. Fortunately, in the beginning of 2014, they agreed and confirmed the promotion of Computer Science Department to Computer Education & Information Technology Faculty. At that point I was elected as dean of the faculty and have been leading the faculty ever since.
In 2017, we had two departments (Data Management and Networks) and over 400 students in our faculty. The number of instructors increased from 7 to 18. Sixteen of them have masters’ degrees from different countries.
I am also a member of the e-Learning committee at university level. I participate in almost all top-level meetings at the university level. My ideas are willingly heard and welcomed. Since 2010, I have been promoted through three academic ranks (Teaching Assistant - Pohanyar, Senior Teaching Assistant - Pohanmal and Assistant professor - Pohandoy). In addition, I have completed two research projects funded by the World Bank and have submitted a proposal for a 3rd research project which is being considered.
In early 2020 I was appointed Director of Academic Program Development in the Ministry of Higher Education. This Directorate is responsible for overseeing the development of programs for both undergraduate and graduate programs; promoting efficiency by eliminating duplication in programs and closing unneeded programs; and promoting the development of the national eLearning system. This is a challenging opportunity for me to make a significant contribution to Higher Education in Afghanistan. [3-20] More recently I have returned to what is now once again known as Kabul Education University (no longer the Shaheed Rabani Education Universiety) as an assistant professor. [9-21]
In June 2020, I started my PhD in Computer Studies Faculty of Symbiosis International (Deemed University) in Pune, India. Since my bachelor’s degree was in Computer Science and My Masters in Education, I integrated both fields in my PhD program by focusing on e-Learning. I defended my proposal with the title of “A Study of the Effectiveness of Higher Education Learning Management Systems in Afghan Universities.” I have completed three semesters of my study and the fourth one is in progress. I look forward to completing my PhD in the next couple of years and being able to help out institutions in Afghanistan successfully implement e-Learning programs. [9-22]
Email: s.barikzai@yahoo.com