After many years working in communications, adult education and political action with the garment workers’ union, Sherry now oversees an adult education program for the Consortium for Worker Education focusing on ESOL and computer skills at various sites in New York City. 


She is a founding Board Member of the Remember the Triangle Fire Coalition, which is currently spearheading the building of a memorial to women, workers, and immigrants at the site of the original fire. She also serves on the board of a non-profit affiliated with the National Writers’ Union that organizes WorkersWrite!, a project encouraging writing and storytelling by workers.


Sherry volunteers with the New Sanctuary Coalition to accompany people to their immigration hearings and ICE check-ins in order to provide community support and bear witness.  She continues to support cultural exchange programs with high school students through the Student Diplomacy Corps and lives in New York City. [1-21]




Entrance Year: 
Graduation Year: 
5-year span: 
CIE Graduate