Sebastian Lindstrom

Sebastian Lindstrom was born and raised in Sweden, leaving at the age of 20 to explore a passion for film. He set off on a journey to visually represent the resilience and togetherness of humanity and the environment. In doing so, he founded What Took You So Long - an international collective with 15 full-time employees. They have filmed across 100 countries frequently partnering with the United Nations and nonprofit and development organizations. Sebastian got his undergraduate from Hong Kong University and his master’s degree in International Education at UMass Amherst’s Center for Education. For more about his personal journey see this link.


Currently, Sebastian is focused on addressing climate change issues - his films serve to build a bridge of understanding, shifting human consciousness toward a reestablishing balance on the Earth. He recently returned from Australiz where he was filming food distribution to people affected by the bush fires.


Alongside this work, Sebastian is committed to creating a space of play for the inner children within each of us. He uses the tools of freediving, sound healing, and yoga to promote inner peace and togetherness. He is co-founder of storytelling collective What Took You So Long, co-ambassador of the Sandbox Nomad Initiative, longtime member of the UN Foundation’s Connectors and Advisors Committee and Fellow of The AJALA Project (an art and social impact platform). These combined experiences serve Sebastian in fulfilling his dream to collectively reestablish balance on Earth.


Since graduating, Sebastian has been busy.  He did Yoga Teacher Training in Kenya with Africa Yoga Project and did his certification with SoundCeremony in Guatemala where he is now a trained conductor of Soundbaths (multiple instruments played during a moment in time when people lay down and enjoy music! He is currently spending a lot of time in San Francisco.


“Sebastian is a Love-infused camel in human form, currently exploring the depth of the ocean and places beyond the known spectrums of the mind.”  — Me [1-20]




Entrance Year: 
Graduation Year: 
5-year span: 
CIE Graduate