Sayed Ahmad Javid Mussawy

Javid completed his degree in International Education at UMass Amherst in February 2023. His dissertation was titled, Accreditation of Teaching and Research Universities in Afghanistan: A Policy Implementation Analysis. The dissertation analyzes the historical development of quality assurance and accreditation systems in Afghanistan and some developing countries. During his doctoral program, Javid published four articles in peer-reviewed journal articles, an encyclopedia entry, and a media review.


Two of the articles were co-authored with Professor Gretchen Rossman. One, in the Journal Quality in Higher Education, entitled Quality assurance and accreditation in Afghanistan: Exploring sensemaking and sensegiving in policy implementation and another in Higher Learning Research Communications on Perceptions and Experiences of Classroom Assessment: A case study of a public university in Afghanistan.


Currently, Dr. Mussawy works as the Assessment and Evaluation Manager in the College of Education, at UMass Amherst.  Javid has over 15 years of experience in the higher education sector of Afghanistan. Before entering the doctoral program, he served as the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs, Chair of the English Department, and as a faculty member in Baghlan University.


In addition to his academic roles, Javid Mussawy has been an advocate for human rights, particularly access to education for women and minority groups. In 2011, he established the Nawandishan Education Center which offered courses in English language, computer skills, and development courses for university admission. Through this center, he implemented a two year English program, Access Micro-Scholarship, funded by the US Embassy in Kabul that enrolled a population of 200 economically disadvantaged students aged 14-18.


Since the fall of Afghanistan to the Taliban in August 2021, Javid has been collaborating with Catholic Charities, Focusing Initiative International, and UMass Amherst to provide social and emotional support for Afghan women refugees who are settled in Western Massachusetts. Additionally, Javid has been partnering with Focusing Initiative International to establish safe schools for 7-12 grade girls in rural Afghanistan.[4-23]




Entrance Year: 
Graduation Year: 
5-year span: 
CIE Graduate