My doctoral program specialization in international development allowed me to observe the evolution of different educational practices, whereas my voyage in doctoral studies in Educational Planning, Research & Administration (EPRA) provided me an opportunity to gain the knowledge and experience to make research more focused and doable in terms of reliability, resources, and time constraints.
Studying at CIE exposed me to various development trends—in educational organizations, and local communities—around the world. My Program of Study was designed to make maximum use of the encouraging environment at CIE for learning research, theory and practice skills firmly grounded in the tenets of human equality and socio-cultural diversity. Having fellows from myriad different contexts with varied experiences broadened my overall vision in general, and my program objectives in particular.
After graduating from my program in 2015, I came back to my homeland, Pakistan. I was selected for a three month competitive Virtual Training Course in Social Innovation & Project Management sponsored by World Learning Advancing Leaders Fellowship Program. I provided a consultancy to the Afghanistan Institute of Civil Society (AICS) in a USAID Management System Information project with my CIE fellow graduate Noorullah Noori. We wrote the 2014 Annual Report on Civil Society Organization Sustainability Index for Afghanistan, and convened the national level meeting of CSOs Leaders in Afghanistan.
I joined Fatima Jinnah Women University as an Assistant Professor in Fall 2015. I teach courses at PhD, M.Phil., Masters and Bachelors level. I supervised eight theses in two semesters. Based on my experience serving with the CIE students’ Executive Committee (ExCom), I initiated an Executive Committee for the first time in my university, where students get elected through a proper election and serve on seven different committees on advisory, managerial, and team members’ capacity. I also serve as the sports representative from my department and represented the team of my university (FJWU) at national level.
I co-coordinated two conferences—an international and a national conference—in the past two semesters, and am currently working on two more international conferences with my colleagues. I presented my research on both international and national forums. Apart from teaching, I also serve as a resource person for various training programs, workshops and seminars both for faculty and students. [10-16]
Email: salmanazarkhan@gmail.com