First, I have to say that my academic background in International Education gained during my graduate study at UMass Amherst considerably broadened my knowledge and expertise in education. The courses that I took at the UMASS School of Education, particularly in the Center for International Education (CIE), contributed tremendously to my professional growth and helped me acquire advanced practical and research skills, as well as strategies necessary for successfully “navigating” in the job market. The courses such as Program Evaluation, Curriculum Development, Research Methods etc., provided me with a rich background that helped me when I was tasked to design new programs, write proposals, develop M&E plans, evaluate the projects, write comprehensive reports.
After returning to my home country - Azerbaijan - I worked at different organizations (SOS Children’s Villages Azerbaijan, British Council, Save the Children, IFES, World Bank Education Project Coordination Unit, and US Peace Corps), mainly involved in the management of various educational programs. Additionally, I have provided consultancy services and training facilitation to UNDP and the organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe.
Currently, I am working as a Certificate Programs Manager in the School of Education of ADA University in Baku. I am responsible for designing and managing various professional development programs (in-service training) intended both for career- starters and experienced educators at tertiary and secondary education levels outside ADA University interested in enhancing their knowledge and skills, in maximizing their potential in a specific area of education.
In January 2017, I had chance to reunite with the CIE community and was delighted to support CIE in their implementation of USWDP study exchange program at ADA in Baku for faculty and administrators from the Kabul Education University in Afghanistan. [1-17]
Email: nabiyeva_saida@hotmail.com