Rovshan has been working in the Government of Azerbaijan since 2002. After graduation from UMass, he joined the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Azerbaijan. He worked in various positions within the MFA and in Azerbaijan’s diplomatic posts overseas. He served in the Embassy of the Republic of Azerbaijan to the United States of America and currently serves as Counsellor in the Permanent Mission of Azerbaijan to the OSCE and other International Organizations in Vienna, Austria.
He was honored to attend the 2024 New Year’s Reception for the Diplomatic Corps in Vienna which was hosted by the Austrian Federal President H.E. Dr. Alexander Van der Bellen. (Rovshan pictured on right with hosts) [1-24]
Since graduating from CIE, Rovshan has continued his professional development by attending training programs at George C. Marshall European Center for Security Studies, Germany (2007), Geneva Center for Security Policy, Switzerland (2009) and NATO Defense College, Italy (2009). [9-16]
In addition to his work, Rovshan has published in online and print journals:
"Codification of the inviolability of frontiers principle in the Helsinki Final Act: Its purpose and implications for conflict resolution", Security and Human Rights, 24 (2013), 392-417
“The implications of the 1993 U.N. Security Council action for the settlement of the Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict”, Caucasian Review of International Affairs; 3 (2009), 342-370
“Inter-group contacts in the context of the conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan: a conflict resolution or post-conflict reconciliation tool?”, “Diplomatiya Aləmi” (World of Diplomacy), quarterly journal of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan, 18-19, (2008), 62-71,
Rovshan is married, with one son.
Email: Sadigbayli@gmail.com