Pearson Robert

Since leaving the Center in 1972 I’ve been an Education Professor at Swarthmore, Lafayette and Muhlenberg colleges, the director of a drug and alcohol education agency, and the director of a USAID project in Romania dealing with the awful orphanage situation there which you undoubtedly remember from the media coverage in the early nineties.  Since 1992 I’ve been “semi-retired”, spending much of my time playing serious senior softball (tournaments etc.), reading, writing, and occasionally consulting. Since 1993 I’ve directed a Peace Corps training project in Albania, worked with Muslim refugees in Croatia, given a teacher education workshop in Ethiopia,  worked with Leon Clark evaluating a USAID education project in Swaziland, been to Armenia four times with UNICEF on a training project for school principals as well as training trainers in interactive teaching methods and supervising the development of a teacher’s manual in interactive teaching methods.  In 2005 I worked on a Basic Education proposal in Afghanistan, and in 2006 I worked with UNICEF/Turkey in drafting a sample five year plan for the Ministry of Education in Turkey.


Beeby and I live in Wellfleet on Cape Cod and are outdoors every day, working, hiking, and swimming.  Between us we have five children.  Those of you who remember my two, Erik and Tim, may be interested to know they are both in the arts, Erik a musician (guitar, banjo, flute) and composer  --he had a small banjo piece in the recent movie “Into the Wild” --, and Tim an oil painter.  Naturally they need supplementary careers, Erik as a computer guy, and Tim as a carpenter.  My three step-children are also either musicians or oil painters.  Those of you who live near Boston may have heard of Tim Gearan, well - known in the Boston music scene.


Over the winter we are in Vieques, a little island off the coast of Puerto Rico known to many because of the protests against the Navy bombing (which fortunately ended in 2003).  If anyone is in the area of Wellfleet during the year or Vieques in the winter, email us and we can get together!  [5-08]



Entrance Year: 
Graduation Year: 
5-year span: 
CIE Graduate