Razia Karim

Before coming to Amherst, I worked as the English Language program Coordinator for USAID/Kabul.   Then, In 2012 I became the Executive Assistant to the Deputy Minister for Academic Affairs in the Ministry of Higher Education, Afghanistan.  During my degree studies at UMass, I worked as a project assistant on CIE’s higher education project in Afghanistan.


After finishing my Master’s degree at UMass I moved to Melbourne in August 2017 and started working at the Melbourne Polytechnic in September 2017. Melbourne Polytechnic offers the combination of higher education and vocational learning through a network of six metropolitan campuses and a regional campus in Ararat, Victoria. I work as a Senior Administration Officer in the School of Foundation and Preparatory Studies at the Preston campus in Melbourne. [4-23]


Major responsibilities of my position are to:


  • Coordinate and manage new school initiatives of defined scope under the direction of the School Administrator, Head of School and Managers.
  • Prepare high quality reports, briefings, presentations and correspondence and other written materials for and on behalf of the School Leadership Team.
  • Disseminate information and requests for School information to the appropriate areas of the School and Institute service areas.
  • Conduct projects of defined scope under the direction of the Head of School, Managers and School Administrator.
  • Gather and collate responses to requests for information from the Chief Executive or other senior executives into accurate, consolidated documents.


Email: Raziakarim30@gmail.com


Entrance Year: 
Graduation Year: 
5-year span: 
CIE Graduate