Patricia Maguire (Ed.D. 1987)

Pat Maguire

After 25 years as a faculty member at Western New Mexico University in the Gallup Graduate Studies Center, Pat retired in 2011 and is now a Professor Emeritus. During her career she published many articles and book chapters based on her career-long commitment to Participatory Action Research, particularly as it links to feminism and teaching.  Her most recent publication was a book chapter entitled “Considering challenges with enacting conventional ethics in teacher action research” in which she discusses the conflict between modern IRB procedures and the principles that underlie action research. [5-20]


Earlier, she reflected on her career with the Gallup Center after finishing her degree at CIE.


When I took over as Chair/Director (indeed the lone university faculty member) in December 1987, the “center” was an office, about the size of a big bathroom, on-loan from the local school district, and we held classes in an old elementary school that had been “condemned” by the district.  Over the years, with magnificent colleagues, we’ve grown GGSC to 7 graduate programs, 10 tenure track positions, and our own facility with 6 classrooms, a computer lab, and offices


We’ve developed one of 30+ U.S. Peace Corps Fellows program for returned PCV’s, which has been a great way to stay connected to my Peace Corps roots. I’ve put to use every single thing I learned at CIE, my philosophical home, about participatory development. [1-08]


2021 Update


During the COVID pandemic lockdown and self-isolation, I created a website to share a slice of my life's work in feminist participatory action research and teacher action research. Both repository and memoir, the site is a history of my journey in participatory research. A personal story - a backstory – accompanies some of the resources. Several of my backstories refer to my experiences as part of the beloved CIE community. [See sections on Women in Development and Participatory Action Research for history of that period at CIE.] Most of the materials in the publications, presentations, and teaching resources sections are easily downloadable. I hope CIE members will find something of use to your own work as well as share the website with your networks. Enjoy. [1-21]


In May 2021 Pat was a featured guest on the Action Research Podcast in an episode entitled Feminisms and Action Research. In the podcast Pat discusses the role and influence of feminisms on action research, and recounts her experiences engaging in feminist activism, teaching, and researching for social justice.  Listen to the podcast HERE.[5-21]




Entrance Year: 
Graduation Year: 
5-year span: 
CIE Graduate