
CIE Completes 5 Years of Work with ECCN (2014-2019)

For the past five years, under the leadership of Ash Hartwell (left with Gwen Heaner), CIE as a sub-contractor to EDC has had primary responsibility for developing research and evaluation activities with the Education in Crisis and Conflict Network.

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CIE Project to Map Literacy Programs in 29 Countries (2018-2019)

CIE received a contract from the Global Alliance for Literacy, part of UNESCO’s Institute for Lifelong Learning in Hamburg, to conduct a youth and adult literacy mapping activity in 29 countries with the greatest numbers of young people and adults with low literacy skills.

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Education in Conflict & Crisis Network - CIE with EDC (2014-2019)

The USAID Education in Crisis and Conflict Network (USAID ECCN) is a community of practice composed of USAID education staff, implementing partners and others working to increase equitable access to, and improve the quality of, education in crisis and conflict affected environments. USAID ECCN was initiated to promote knowledge generation and sharing among practitioners, policy makers and researchers related to Goal 3 of the USAID Education Strategy: improved equitable access to education in crisis and conflict affected environments. 

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Valorisation de la Scolarisation de la Fille "VAS-Y Fille!" (2013-2016)

CIE assisted by the Center for Educational Assessment at UMass Amherst was contracted to provide evaluation services for Valorisation de la Scolarisation de la Fille (VAS-Y Fille) project to increase girls’ access to education in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). Bjorn Nordtveit is the Prinicipal Investigator (PI), responsible for the qualitative analysis and Jennifer Randall is the CoPI, responsible for the quantitative analysis, of the project.

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CIE Joins INEE Working Group on Education and Fragility (2008)

In February 2008, CIE was chosen to become a member of the Inter-Agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE) Working Group on Education and Fragility, with Assistant Professor Jacqueline Mosselson as CIE's representative.  The INEE is a global open network of members working together within a humanitarian and development framework to ensure all persons the right to quality education and a safe learning environment in emergencies and post-crisis recovery.

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Study of Non-Formal Education and Skills Training Programs in East Asia

UNICEF East-Asia Pacific contracted the Center for International Education to carry out a desk review of non-formal education (NFE) equivalence frameworks and non-accredited skills training programs in the East Asia - Pacific region. Dr.

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