Advancing Higher Education for Afghanistan’s Development (2021-2025)

CIE, working with UMass Boston, is a sub-contractor to FHI 360 on a USAID higher education program in Afghanistan. Advancing Higher Education for Afghanistan’s Development (AHEAD) is a program that seeks to improve the quality and relevance of tertiary education by strengthening linkages to public and private sector employability.


AHEAD uses a network approach in which Afghan higher education institutions (HEIs) are organized into Higher Education Networks (HENs) that are paired with a US university in one of four sectors: Agriculture, Business, Education, and Health. UMass is responsible for leading the Education network. Ten Afghan public and private universities and TVET institutes, in concert with employers and other private sector entities, will coalesce around the four HENs.


Under the leadership of Dr. Ian Barron, the CIE Director, CIE is responsible for providing expertise in the area of trauma-informed mental health in Higher Education within the Education HEN and then with the other HENs.  CIE will take the lead in the conception, design, phased implementation, evaluation, and adaptation of trauma-informed social and emotional learning, and mental health over the duration of AHEAD.



CIE will help develop instructional materials, design and facilitate training of trainers programs, and promote faculty-initiated research projects to identify the nature of trauma in Afghanistan and effective treatment strategies. [7-21]


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