Headshot of Norman Mhilu Hiza

Norman Hiza passed away in January 1999
His obituary can be found Here.


Originally from Tanzania, Norman was a well-known educator in his home country.  He also was an officer in the Tanzanian Army and was part of the force that invaded Uganda in 1978 to overthrow the regime of Idi Amin.


Norman learned about CIE in the 1980s when he worked as an employee of CIE’s Teacher-Text-Technology project in Tanzania – a project that focused on strengthening the teaching of science, math and English in the secondary schools of Tanzania.


He subsequently came to CIE, initially in a Master’s program.  His capstone project focused on “Youth employment: An analysis of the problem and possible solutions in Tanzania, Kenya, and Botswana.”


He then went on to enroll in the doctoral program in International Education at UMass. While studying he worked as an Assistant Director for Residence Life in student housing at UMass.


Unfortunately, he passed away while still working on completing his doctoral studies. [2-99]


Entrance Year: 
Graduation Year: 
5-year span: 
CIE Graduate