Nina Papadopoulos

In 2011 Nina joined USAID in Washington, D.C. as the Senior Advisor in Education in Crisis and Conflict. In that role she provided technical support and oversight to ensure the effective operationalization of the Education Strategy related to EiCC.  Starting in 2015 she became the Team Lead of EiCC, directing technical assistance to 23 USAID missions in program design support, implementation of research, monitoring and evaluation, and capacity development for education staff in policy development, program design, and implementation. She took the lead in designing and managing the Education in Conflict and Crisis Network (ECCN) project that included CIE as a sub-contractor with a team led by Ash Hartwell.


In 2018 she became the Acting Division Chief Basic Education which, among other responsibilities, involved representing the sector at international and partner meetings, with the USG interagency, and Congress. 


In 2019 Nina returned to the position of EiCC Team Lead where she led efforts to develop and maintain USG and USAID partnerships linking education and fragility, resilience, countering violent extremism and relief to development coherence. She continues in that role, providing leadership in the development of knowledge products and tools to aid in programming bi-lateral education funding in fragile and conflict-affected contexts. [12-19]


Before entering the doctoral program at CIE Nina worked with IRC in Uganda for nearly three years leading an education and child labor project. The project focused on children and young people affected by the bitter civil war in the northern region of the country.  Previously, she worked on girls’ education in Pakistan and Afghanistan. Before getting into the education sector she worked on gender issues in southern Africa, specifically inheritance rights in Malawi and Zimbabwe.




Entrance Year: 
Graduation Year: 
5-year span: 
CIE Graduate