
Pempho Chinkondenji (Ph.D. 2023) Wins National Dissertation Award

Pempho ChinkondenjiThe Comparative and International Education Society (CIES) announced the 2023 winner of the society’s Outstanding Dissertation Award.  Pempho Chinkondenji received the award for her dissertation entitled The Im/possibilities of (Un)making In-school Pregnancy and Student Motherhood [as Praxis]: Schooling Post-Pregnancy Amidst Health and Social Crises in Malawi.”


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Shamo Thar receives the Scholarly Excellence Award

In May 2023 Shamo Thar was awarded the Scholarly Excellence Award, one of the Leadership of Tomorrow awards of the Student Affairs and Campus Life program at UMass Amherst. The award recognizes a graduate assistant who demonstrates mastery in blending their assistantship responsibilities with their chosen academic discipline.


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New CIE Director begins June 2023

In June 2023 CIE welcomed Cliff Meyers ('96) as its Interim Director.

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Bjorn Nordtveit completes 10 years as Editor of CER

CIE is honored to have hosted the editorship of the Comparative Education Review (CER) led by Bjorn Nordtveit for the past 10 years.


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CIE Hosts an International Café Without Borders

CIE hosts monthly meetings of an international "Café Without Borders" to bring together a community of graduate students from around the world.


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CIE/IE Degrees Earned in the 2022-2023 Academic Year

This year there was a larger than usual group of CIE/IE doctoral graduates representing five different countries: Afghanistan, Indonesia, Kenya, Malawi and the USA.


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Exploring Collaboration with Tibetan Children's Village

In April, 2023, Dr. Krezmien, the Director of the Center for Youth Engagement (CYE), hosted the Mr. Sonam Sichoe, the new president of the Tibetan Children's Village (TCV) to discuss possible collaboration with the College of Education.


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Understanding African American Trauma

Gerald Fonville, a UMass scholar in African American and environmental child trauma, discussed racial socialization as a technique to rebuild “lost” connections and as a mechanism to increase resilience to environmental trauma. His research explores the unique mechanisms of African American traumatization as well as individuals’ methods of healing. 


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CIE Establishes an Afghan Women Refugee Group in Amherst

CIE in partnership with Catholic Charities, and Focusing Initiatives International, has established a support group for recent Afghan women refugees in Western Massachusetts.


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Majid Khan returns to CIE as a Visiting Scholar

After 13 years Majid Khan (M.Ed. 2003; Doctorate 2009) has returned to CIE as a Visiting Scholar for the 2022/23 academic year. He will be working with the CIE Director, Ian Barron, on issues related to abuse prevention and trauma recovery in Pakistan.


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