
CIE @ CIES 2024 in Miami

In March of 2024, CIES held its 68th annual Conference in Miami.  The conference included two days online, and after a two-day break, five days of in-person conference.


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Meet-up in Amherst in December 2023

Azat Myradov returned Amherst, 22 years after graduating, to reconnect with CIE and visit the UMass Campus.


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CIE Graduates Create Wonder Lab

CIE graduates Stephen Richardson and Yaelle Stempfelet create Wonder Lab, a consulting team. Recent work includes research on Ukrainian youth refugees.


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Patricia Maguire: Sharing the History of My Professional Journey

As CIE graduates retire or approach the end of their professional careers, they face the question of what to do with all that they have done, learned, and written.  They ask themselves if others might benefit in some way from their work, but face the challenge of how to share their experience. Patricia Maguire has provided us with an inspiring example of one answer to that question.


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Meet-up in Amherst in July 2023

Jan and Nanette met with Anna Donovan at the Miltz home in Amherst.


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