CIE Gathering in Atlanta 2017


As is the custom, CIE once again hosted a reception for CIE members, associates and friends during the annual CIES conference. A large group gathered at a well-known Mexican restaurant a few blocks from the conference hotel to share Mexican-style snacks along with assorted beverages.


Current students were able to meet and exchange ideas with CIE graduates, both recent and those from earlier decades. Faculty members caught up with graduates they had not seen in a while, or in some cases, for many years.


Several CIE members who live in the Atlanta area joined the reception to meet old friends and make connections with graduates from different eras.


Joe Berger, the new CIE Director, made a few remarks welcoming graduates and guests and thanking them for joining the festivities. His comments highlighted several recent activities at CIE. He also noted the large and growing representation of the CIE community as active participants in the annual CIES meetings.  


We look forward to next year’s meeting in Mexico City.


Pictures of CIE Gathering in Atlanta