Bjorn H. Nordtveit, associate professor in the department of educational policy, research and administration, is one of seven faculty members from across four colleges and schools named as Public Engagement Faculty Fellows by the Public Engagement Project (PEP) in January 2017.
An expert in international literacy and child protection, Nordtveit has worked for more than 10 years with UNESCO and the World Bank in education, mostly in Southeast Asia and sub-Saharan Africa. As a fellow, he will produce a guide for education policy makers and practitioners, particularly those affiliated with the World Bank, on how to develop literacy programs.
The PEP Fellowship program is grounded in the belief that as citizens and as scholars, faculty have an interest in today’s debates about public policy, conversations about the state of the world, and imagining a different future. We have the ability and the responsibility for participating and engaging with our fellow human beings in the service of the common good.
Public Engagement Faculty Fellows will draw on their substantial research record to impact policy, the work of practitioners and public debates. The fellows, who receive a stipend and technical training in communicating with non-academic audiences, will also travel to Beacon Hill to share their research with lawmakers.