The Center for International Education hosts and participates in a variety of events throughout the year. You can learn more about all that goes on both 'On Campus' and 'Off Campus' by clicking on the links in the navigation panel on the right below.
The CIE community has regular meetings called 'Dialogues' which provide a good opportunity for students to catch up with their classmates, get center updates and also listen to stimulating talks by speakers from both inside and outside the Center.
Students and Faculty members undertake a wide variety of professional activities throughout the year. To learn more click on tags for 'Student Professional Activity' and 'Faculty Activity.' For participation in other professioinal activities see 'Conferences and Workshops'.
Learn more about profiles of who graduated recently by clicking on 'Graduations.' Catch up on 'Meet Ups' of Center members around the world and much more by clicking on the tags.