
The Center for International Education hosts and participates in a variety of events throughout the year. You can learn more about all that goes on both 'On Campus' and 'Off Campus' by clicking on the links in the navigation panel on the right below.


The CIE community has regular meetings called 'Dialogues' which provide a good opportunity for students to catch up with their classmates, get center updates and also listen to stimulating talks by speakers from both inside and outside the Center.


Students and Faculty members undertake a wide variety of professional activities throughout the year. To learn more click on tags for 'Student Professional Activity' and 'Faculty Activity.'  For participation in other professioinal activities see 'Conferences and Workshops'.


Learn more about profiles of who graduated recently by clicking on 'Graduations.'  Catch up on 'Meet Ups' of Center members around the world and much more by clicking on the tags.



CIE @ CIES 2024 in Miami

In March of 2024, CIES held its 68th annual Conference in Miami.  The conference included two days online, and after a two-day break, five days of in-person conference.


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Meet-up in Amherst in December 2023

Azat Myradov returned Amherst, 22 years after graduating, to reconnect with CIE and visit the UMass Campus.


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Pempho Chinkondenji (Ph.D. 2023) Wins National Dissertation Award

Pempho ChinkondenjiThe Comparative and International Education Society (CIES) announced the 2023 winner of the society’s Outstanding Dissertation Award.  Pempho Chinkondenji received the award for her dissertation entitled The Im/possibilities of (Un)making In-school Pregnancy and Student Motherhood [as Praxis]: Schooling Post-Pregnancy Amidst Health and Social Crises in Malawi.”


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Shamo Thar receives the Scholarly Excellence Award

In May 2023 Shamo Thar was awarded the Scholarly Excellence Award, one of the Leadership of Tomorrow awards of the Student Affairs and Campus Life program at UMass Amherst. The award recognizes a graduate assistant who demonstrates mastery in blending their assistantship responsibilities with their chosen academic discipline.


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CIE Graduates Create Wonder Lab

CIE graduates Stephen Richardson and Yaelle Stempfelet create Wonder Lab, a consulting team. Recent work includes research on Ukrainian youth refugees.


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Patricia Maguire: Sharing the History of My Professional Journey

As CIE graduates retire or approach the end of their professional careers, they face the question of what to do with all that they have done, learned, and written.  They ask themselves if others might benefit in some way from their work, but face the challenge of how to share their experience. Patricia Maguire has provided us with an inspiring example of one answer to that question.


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