Nancy Sosnowski

Since graduation 2002, as an instructor/adjunct faculty member I have developed and taught a number of courses in global and multicultural education for preservice and graduate teacher program at UMass Amherst, Salem State University, Northern Essex Community College and the Northeast Consortium For Global Education. I also worked as a substitute teacher for 5 years at all grade levels and special education in 5 districts in Boston’s North Shore area.


Unfortunately, I was hit by a car while in a pedestrian crosswalk in 2008 and was lucky to have survived. I sustained a number of injuries that I’m still addressing today through Physical Therapy. As a result I retired from the field of education 62. I’m so very grateful to all my friends and family who helped me create a brand new life of meaning, joy and happiness in spite of this event.


I’m very active in the social justice movements including Black Lives Matter and Pax Christi, a Catholic antiwar and social justice group. Some of our actions include advocating for legislation to empower the homeless, refugee communities and promote fair housing. My dear friend, Rita Raboin, is also member with me. We visit Anna Donovan on occasion as well.


In 2009, a year after my accident, my beautiful and fun loving granddaughter was born. She was and continues to bring me so much joy and is a a wonderful shining light in my life.


I’m so grateful for CIE! I met wonderful, caring and committed people whose impact upon me continues to this day. Blessings to all!  [11-20]




Entrance Year: 
Graduation Year: 
5-year span: 
CIE Graduate