Since completing my Master’s degree at CIE, I have been exploring a forest of challenges and inspirations. In brief, here is some of what I have been up to:
When I returned to Lesotho, I was took up the post of Director of the Lesotho Distance Teaching Centre. With a team of about 50, led, managed and ensured the provision of NFE and basic education for youth and adults. Then, I graduated (reluctantly) to a position of Deputy Principal Secretary, Ministry of Education where I eventually became Principal Secretary.
After serving seven busy/hectic years with the MoE, I was posted to London, United Kingdom, where I served as Lesotho's High Commissioner/Ambassador, simultaneously accredited to Cyprus, Ireland, Malta, Portugal and Spain. I was hardly six months in London when His Majesty, the late King Moshoeshoe II was exiled to England by the then Military Government (His Majesty's Government) in March 1990. He was deposed in exile but ultimately returned to Lesotho in 1992 to be re-instated as King by a democratically-elected government in 1993.
Returning home in December, 1995 I became Head of Lesotho's Civil Service (a position labeled Government Secretary) until 2001. To say the least, this was one of the most challenging, exhilarating and fulfilling experiences of my life. Leading and managing the affairs of the Civil Service - planning, coordinating, mentoring, evaluating, advising, managing crises (the 1998 attempted violent removal of a legitimate Government) and others - was painful fun!
From 2001 up to now I have traveled a whirlwind trip becoming Senator and Minister of Finance for one year. Going into general elections in 2002, winning overwhelmingly and appointed Minister of Foreign Affairs for two and a half years! I then was appointed Minister of Education until the February 2007 general elections. Of course, my return to education following my "prodigal son" ways was satisfaction itself. However, I am now the Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Relations (he served as Minister from 2007-2015), forging bilateral and multilateral partnerships, sniffing development assistance opportunities, living diplomacy, negotiating conflict, etc.
All in all, CIE/UMASS set me onto a road to appreciating the value of negotiation skills, innovation, leading, working with people, managing conflicts, listening, challenging, inspiring others, and paying attention to the basic needs of the rural poor. [6-08]