Mahboob Morshed Mohan

Upon finishing my Ph.D. at UMass in September 2018, I returned to Bangladesh and accepted a faculty position in BRAC University where I teach and lead two postgraduate programs. I am coordinating the M.Ed. in Educational Leadership and School Improvement and the M.Sc. in Early Childhood Development programs at the BRAC Institute of Educational Development. Both programs bring students from the government, leading NGOs and INGOs and private sector to provide a rich academic and professional experience and an environment of idea sharing.


I am also coordinating the Professional Development Center (PDC) at the university which works to develop pedagogical knowledge and skills of the university faculty members. [3-20] I began managing a $4 million project to develop a model of play-based pedagogy in government primary schools in Bangladesh. The project is funded by the LEGO Foundation and will be implemented during 2019-2023 period. Excitingly, I met Anita Anastacio in late February 2020, who is a CIE graduate and visited Bangladesh as the supervisor of the project.


Before coming to CIE I worked as a consultant in program evaluation for a variety of educational programs.  My work included: reviewing Australia’s contribution to primary education of Bangladesh through UNICEF; evaluating the DIFD program for Underprivileged Children’s Education; and reviewing UNICEF’s program of Basic Education for Hard to Reach Urban Working Children.


My creative academic work included: membership on the National Curriculum and Textbook Board for developing junior-secondary curriculum of the country; helping to develop a supplementary textbook on injury prevention for primary level children; consulting for Save the Children, USA to develop a teacher’s manual on teaching-learning methods and assessment; and consulting for Save the Children International’s to develop a literacy boost manual for children.




Entrance Year: 
Graduation Year: 
5-year span: 
CIE Graduate