After studying at CIE, in 2013 I began working as a Senior Research and Evaluation Specialist for the Ministry of Education (MoE) to design and structure the annual review of MoE’s strategic plan including collecting, analyzing, and interpreting findings, and drafting the review reports.
In 2016, as UNESCO consultant, I conducted a baseline study of the extent to which Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) streamlined in the Afghanistan’s policy papers and general education curriculum. This project was part of a bigger project aiming to review the current state of education for peace, sustainable development and global citizenship in Asia and the Pacific. The main purpose of the project was to review the extent to which Global Citizenship Education (GCED) and Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) are mainstreamed in national policies and curricula in 20 countries in Asia and the Pacific using content analysis through common coding scheme. The result of the review in 2017 was published as a book “Rethinking Schooling for the 21st Century.”
Then in 2018, as a UNESCO consultant at the Ministry of Education’s Strategic Monitoring and Evaluation Directorate to conduct the MoE’s Education Joint Sector Review.
Currently I am working as the UNESCO Project Officer for general education curriculum reform preparing the foundations for sector-wide curriculum reform to turn it from mere knowledge based into a competency-based curriculum. [5-20]
Before coming to CIE, I earned an MA in Adult Education. While working for the UN High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR) in Iran in 2001, my friends and I established a teacher-training center to train teachers for Afghan refugee schools in Tehran. We believed that a sustainable long-term development could be achieved only through providing quality education for our children.
In 2002, by invitation from the Ministry of Education, I returned to Afghanistan to work as the Academic Deputy Director in Teacher Education Department. For 6 years, I was involved in managing the development of policies, plans and projects for teacher education particularly the five-year strategic plan for the Teacher Education Department where I developed a good understanding of the situation and challenges of education in general, and teacher education in particular.
Email: mhvahidi86@gmail.com