Mjege Kinyota

I am currently a lecturer in STEM education at Dar es Salaam University College of Education, a constituent college of the University of Dar es Salaam.


Apart from academic roles, I also serve as an administrator in the position of In-charge of Internationalization and Advancement. Under this role, I coordinate all matters related to linking our University with other institutions abroad such as exchange programs.


My experience at the Center for International Education (CIE) at the University of Massachusetts Amherst nurtured my passion for international education and STEM education. It is the same experience that influenced me to enroll into a Ph.D. in Comparative Education at the Institute of International and Comparative Education of Beijing Normal University, where I graduated in June 2019. My dissertation explored how men and women interact with culture, language and institutional variables and the resulting impact on women's sense of belonging in STEM fields.


Currently, I am working on a project of integrating STEM education in early childhood education. Under this project we study ways that young children can develop scientific reasoning skills, with the aim to develop models and materials for helping teachers to develop those skills among young children. My other research interests include critical thinking, environmental science education and social justice education.


My recent publications include an article on the challenges facing secondary science teaching in Tanzania (access the article Here), an article on ecopedagogy that analyzes an environmental education course taught at a Tanzanian University (Here), and an article on critical thinking skills of prospective teachers in Tanzania. (Here) [12-20]


Email: kmjege@yahoo.com


Entrance Year: 
Graduation Year: 
5-year span: 
CIE Graduate