Mindy Eichhorn

I am currently an assistant professor in the Education Department at Gordon College, where I teach undergraduate and graduate-level courses in special education, assessment, and early childhood / elementary math methods.


I am involved in a pilot study investigating the challenges out of school youth face in learning mathematics in Mumbai and Bangalore, India. These students face hardships at home – most of them live in extreme poverty, and encounter many environmental stressors, including trauma, which impact their learning in the classroom.


Additionally, in June and July 2015, I piloted a number sense screener in Kolkata, India with 2nd and 5th grade students, as part of a study to predict math difficulties in the early stages so that students can receive intervention as soon as possible. In the summer of 2016, I completed a research project with an undergraduate student on the beliefs, perceptions, and experiences of pre-service teachers and new teachers, and how these beliefs and experiences help to form their professional identity in teaching math. [11/16]


Email: mindyeichhorn@gmail.com


Entrance Year: 
Graduation Year: 
5-year span: 
CIE Graduate