Kip visited Amherst recently and met with BGW (DRE was on vacation).
I am still teaching ecological/environmental studies at the School of Environmental Studies, in the Dept. of Environmental Sciences and Education (ENSED) at Kenyatta Univ. I plan to retire in about 2 years. The CIE experience, and working in many team work experiences, and practical experiences in developing project proposals, and managing international education projects, helped me, and very many before me, and after many years it continues to help others to grow too. I greatly value the CIE goals and missions. [6-22]
I continue to each in the School of Environmental/Studies in the Dept. of Environmental Education at Kenyatta University. I founded the school and the Department many years ago. We continue to grow and continue to contribute to environment and sustainable development in general, doing training and environmental education specifically. I am planning to go on sabbatical sometime in June of 2015. I may visit the US and would be happy to do a presentation at a Tuesday meeting on an area of the environmebt that would be of interest.[5-16]
Kip completed an earlier sabbatical June 2009 - Feb 2010 with AMCEN Secretariat at UNEP, where he served as the environment and climate change senior advisor & consultant to AMCEN and the African Development Bank. His research activities in this assignment included developing policy and climate/environment technical papers, programs and projects related to climate change in Africa, and sharing these issues with the AMCEN Ministers and African Heads of State for the Copenhagen Meeting of Dec. 2009 and Post-Copenhagen climate change adaptations and the implementation and monitoring of mitigation sustainable development projects. Prof. Koech was elected Chairman, the Environment Institute of Kenya, (EIK) in 2011, and completed the assignment in June 2012.
In 2007 he successfully completed various research projects including The City Of Nairobi Environment Outlook Report in collaboration with UNEP and is part of the ongoing research in areas that include: assessment of wood-fuel production on biodiversity, traffic and pollution in Nairobi, tools for environmental management and municipal solid waste management in the Eastern African region.
Email: mi.koech@yahoo.com