I spent 10 years living and working in Asia on a variety of projects. Stemming in part from my dissertation research on rabid dogs in Guayaquil, Ecuador, I worked in Nepal with World Health on a rabies eradication program. In Sri Lanka I worked on a UNICEF project on women and children nutrition – the Mahawelli Rice Project.
While in the Philippines I worked on a huge national literacy campaign managed by the Bureau of Non formal Education. And in Singapore, I worked with the Asian Media and Information Center that publishes Media Asia, a scholarly journal.
I then moved back to the US with my wife, Kathy, and settled in Carbondale, Illinois where I taught ESL to immigrants and did some community organizing. We still traveled to Asia nearly every year
In the summer of 2008 we spent several months in China doing some lecturing, learning more Mandarin, and teaching ESL at a tiny training monastery up a mountain in Anhui province (Jihua Shan).
After Kathy retired from her job as a professor in 2017 we moved to Seattle where we spend summers near our beautiful grand girls. When the rain gets to be too much, we go down to Tucson where Kathy and I got married 47 years ago. [4-21]
Email: Michael.frith@gmail.com