
Finding Profiles of Center Members

Use the drop-down menus below to find CIE members who match certain criteria. Some example searches are below:


A. To find the cohort of students who entered in Fall of 2012, select 2012 from Entrance Year menu and click APPLY;  to find only the doctoral candidates who entered in 2012 add a second criterion by choosing Ed.D. from the Degree Menu. NOTE: Ph.D degrees were only offered starting in 2017. All graduates before that earned Ed.D degrees.

B. To find all students who are currently on campus choose on-campus student from Status menu and click APPLY.

C. To find an individual student, put their name (first or last) in the box labelled Name and click APPLY.

D. To find obituaries and comments on those who have passed away go to Losses in CIE family.


The more than 450 profiles here represent about two-thirds of the total number of CIE graduates. Not all graduates have profiles. Students who have not graduated will only have their entering profiles. Profiles are shown below starting with the newest or most recently updated.

