Mark has been the Executive Director at the Institute for Training and Development (ITD) in Amherst since 2003 and has overseen the development and implementation of grants and programs totaling millions of dollars and reaching thousands of participants. Prior to joining ITD, Mark served as director of training at Heifer International, where he oversaw training in more than 30 countries around the world.
In addition, he has worked in the capacity of project director, trainer, education advisor, facilitator or evaluator for several international development organizations, including USAID, the Organization of American States and the United Nations. Mark is fluent in Spanish and has worked in several Latin American countries including serving as a Peace Corps Volunteer in Costa Rica.
Mark writes: Every day at ITD I am reminded that ITD's history is tied to a core group of CIE practitioners who worked tirelessly developing and refining popular education workshops and techniques reaching thousands of participants in the 1980s mostly from Central America. To this day the same core principles of adult education and social justice remain integral to ITD's operation.
It is ironic that it seems the greater number of years since graduation form CIE the more apparent the benefits of its enduring network (family). In my work I regularly come across CIE alums and immediately appreciate the shared understanding and deep commitment to education that comes with it. I appreciate even more those opportunities when ITD and CIE are able to collaborate on projects, most recently a Community College Administrators program with Pakistan.
To any alums coming through Amherst, besides catching up at CIE please consider visiting us at ITD! [4-19]
Email: mark@itdamherst.org