Margaret McLaughlin

Max sent an update for 2021. She and her husband Steve have relocated to Cape Cod where both are now retired.


Margaret regularly conducts life coaching on a gratis basis for female clients through various social service organizations including her local jail. She also volunteers at her town food pantry and works to support an organization in Haiti.


I have been involved with Haiti and St. Vincent’s Center for Handicapped Children ever since the 2010 earthquake. I now serve as a Board Member on the non-profit “Friends of St. Vincent’s” which is dedicated to helping a local, Haitian-led NGO entitled CAHSAV (the Center for Housing and Support for Handicapped Adults). Fortunately, I have been to Haiti to work with this organization several times over the last 11 years!


She is currently researching Irish history and writing an historical novel focused on one Irish family – particularly its women - addressing two centuries of religious, political and economic conflicts. She feels she is channeling the brave women in countries where she worked or lived.


Together with her husband Steve, she has joined a newly-founded, local group entitled "Sandwich for All". Its mission is to ensure inclusion of folks of all ages, backgrounds, race, religions, genders and economic status. "Fingers crossed it succeeds."


If any CIE grads or current students are on the Cape, Margaret says "Please call us. We'd love to hear your news." [12-21] 


Margaret McLaughlin (Max) wrote in 2018:


After a number of decades in the formal employment/international development arena, I’m now "rewiring"- Jan Droegkamp's fabulous term - into the wonderful world of volunteering. In December 2016, I formally "retired" from the U.S. Department of State where I was fortunate enough to direct the Leadership Training Davison of the Foreign Service Institute.  


Having learned much there about leadership coaching, training and organizational development (OD), I was able to move in January 2017 into a USAID Education contract staff development position. Setting up a multi-modality, continuum of learning for education staff at HQ and in Missions was an enlightening experience. It helped me recognize the value of leadership coaching at an individual level, particularly with Foreign Service Nationals....and the need to do more with host-country nationals outside the USG community.


Ergo, as of this April 2018, I'll be "rewiring" again and looking forward to volunteering in coaching and OD opportunities with host-country nationals, particularly women and girls in countries in crisis. If you know of any volunteer activities in such settings, please send them my way.


In addition to "rewiring", Steve and I thoroughly enjoy our current volunteer activities and life in DC on Capitol Hill- outside of the daily frustrations with USG policy directions.  We love our family and friend connections, including those with CIE colleagues such as Kerry McCollum, Jeanne Moulton, Paul Jurmo, Pat Maguire and Jan Droegkamp. Please know that our welcome mat is always out - especially for recent CIE grads looking for jobs in the DC area - so come and visit us before we move back to our beloved home on Cape Cod in June of 2020...not that I'm counting the months! [2-18]




Entrance Year: 
Graduation Year: 
5-year span: 
CIE Graduate