In a recent update Lisa reports:
Since March 2018, I have been working with Creative Associates International as the Deputy Chief of Party for the READ II project in Ethiopia. In that role, I oversee the technical components of the project. I'll be finishing up here at the end of October. I am looking forward to spending more time in the US. [8-19]
Lisa wrote to CIE in 2007:
I'm back in Kabul as Institutional Development Advisor with UN-HABITAT for Phase 2 of the Learning for Community Empowerment Program (LCEP). It's an exciting time to be working in literacy education in Afghanistan. Under LCEP-2, we are offering a community-based economic empowerment and educational program, integrating literacy, productive skills and savings and investment and helping to build the capacity of the Literacy Department.
From 2004 to 2006, I worked for Management Sciences for Health and with CIE on the development of an integrated health and literacy program for Afghan women.
Lisa recently met fellow CIE graduates Wendi Carman who works at AIR, as well as Jean Kosha, Beverley Bell and Jane Mosczynski in Washington DC. [2-17]
Previously,Lisa Deyo was the Senior Education Advisor at Cambridge Education in Washington DC. She has worked in Afghanistan, Liberia and Pakistan as well as in the DC area in recent years.
Prior to moving back to DC in 2015, Lisa served as a basic curriculum design and literacy development consultant for UNESCO in Kabul, Afghanistan. She provided technical support to the Afghanistan Ministry of Education’s Literacy Department and UNESCO to create a national basic/literacy education curriculum framework for youth and adults and tools to support curriculum development.
She was a University Research Co. project director in Bethesda in 2014, managing the Reading within Reach project in support of the Global Reading Network (GRN), a USAID-funded community of practice aimed at improving quality and expanding the reach of early grade reading interventions in developing countries
Lisa also served as Chief of Party for the American Institutes of Research (AIR) Girls’ Opportunities to Access Learning (GOAL) project in Liberia for 3 years (2010-2013). GOAL was a $4.5 million education project with a mandate to increase girls’ enrollment, attendance, and completion in targeted schools.
She spent a year in Pakistan in 2009, as deputy director of the $23 million USAID-funded Revitalizing Innovating Strengthening Education (RISE) project. The project supported teachers and education managers and promoted community participation in school management in earthquake-affected areas of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Azad, Jammu & Kashmir.
Email: lisadeyo@gmail.com