Since graduating from CIE I have been working at the National Assessment and Examinations Center (NAEC) Georgia. In the past two years, I have been the National Project Manager for Georgia in the 2018 PISA study and currently I am serving as a Research Consultant and a member of the Group on Research and Psychometrics at the same center. Needless to say, the knowledge and skills that I gained from both quantitative and qualitative research methods courses that I took at the CIE have been very valuable for my work.
I have also had the opportunity to apply the knowledge and skills I learned at CIE in working on two international projects. I worked as a consultant on the Open edX at the Training Educators for Excellence Project (TEEP) which was implemented by the Millennium Challenge Account – Georgia (supported by the Millennium Challenge Corporation). In that role I Co-designed a flexible online social learning environment using the Flipped Classroom model using the Open edX platform; Mapped the content (topics, activities, assessment and resources) of the existing nine face-to-face professional development modules into the online course elements using Bloom’s digital taxonomy, and aligned the latter with the initial learning outcomes.
In another part of my role, I integrated edX Analytics and the extended the edX platform using standard Xblocks as well as by integrating Experience API (xAPI/Tin Can) compliant and/or Learning Tools Interoperability enabled external systems; participated in piloting of the online courses by consulting the stakeholders in running and managing the courses; and assisted in the use of edX Analytics/Insights to collect and analyze the educational data about the participants of the pilot.
I also worked as a consultant on the STEM Curriculum at Strengthening Education System -Sector Development Project in Kyrgyz Republic (SESS-DP) which was implemented by Columbia University (supported by the Asian Development Bank). In that role I designed and implemented core teaching methodologies, including teaching and classroom management strategies, sample lesson scenarios, warm-up activities, project samples, assessment and peer-to-peer evaluation rubrics for the teacher education program in SESS-DP. I also designed and co-moderated (together with Kyrgyz counterparts) selected teacher education sessions in the four Summer Institutes for teacher educators and trainers.
Before coming to CIE, I worked as the Math Improvement Director at Georgia Primary Education Project (GPriED), a USAID-funded project designed to provide comprehensive assistance to the primary education system of Georgia to improve reading and math competencies of Georgian and ethnic minority students. I started my career in educational administration in 2004 as part of the math team at the National Curriculum and Assessment Center (NCAC).
I have also taught at both tertiary and secondary levels of education for over fifteen years now and I see teaching and educating younger generations to be my life-time career. My longest teaching job was as a math teacher at the American Academy in Tbilisi. [5-20]
Email: lkokilashvili@gmail.com