Headshot of Kay Pfeiffer

Kay Pfeiffer passed away in May 2008
Her obituary can be found Here.


Before coming to CIE, Kay was a PCV in Botswana. She then worked with a youth program in Boston.


While a student at CIE, she also worked for the Workplace Education program at the University of Massachusetts and the National Priorities Project in Northampton.


In addition, while living in Amherst, Kay played a key role in the development of the Center for Community Education and Action (CCEA), a nonprofit organization to promote the practice of participatory research in Western Massachusetts. She took the lead in establishing CCEA as a nonprofit organization: writing proposals, staffing the office, and designing and facilitating training throughout Western Mass. CCEA organized conferences, hosted visits and seminars by Paul Freire, and provided training services to human service organizations on community-based training and Freirean methodologies.


Kay’s dissertation, Using Historical Narrative as a Tool for Organizational Analysis: a Twenty-five Year History of the Center for International Education is an analysis of the first 25 years of CIE's development, its internal dialogues, and its successes as seen through the eyes and voices of its students and faculty. The data for her dissertation drew heavily on interviews she conducted with CIE graduates attending CIE’s 25th reunion. In addition, Kay used her editorial and layout skills to assist in the preparation of many of CIE’s publications.


After graduation, Kay worked for CARE, USA in Atlanta for 5 years before moving to Florida. There she worked with local NGOs serving disadvantaged youth. [6-08]


Entrance Year: 
Graduation Year: 
5-year span: 
CIE Graduate