I have been a Center member for so many years and I still feel part of this large, multinational community. Most of my career has been in Central American and Afghanistan.
I have been in Afghanistan since 2007 as a Chief of Party of a large in-service teacher training project, of a workforce development project and, now, of a Ministry of Education capacity building project. I plan to be here for another year. I have been back in Afghanistan since November 2016 and plan to leave in 2019, when I should be replaced by an Afghan national. Then I will go back home to Maryland, where I plan to continue doing short term assignments. I have also recently joined Global Impact Management Consulting as the Senior Advisor for Education and Workforce.
This is my third project in Afghanistan. I first got here in 2007 with the BESST project for in-service teacher training with Creative Associates. When that project ended, I stayed with a workforce development project (AWDP) using a model to connect experienced workers with potential employers. The project was supported by the USAID office of Economic Growth with the purpose of increasing employment in the country. [2-18]
Before my time in Afghanistan, after I finished the doctoral program in the Center, I worked in Honduras, Costa Rica, Guatemala and El Salvador. My main assignments in Central America were with the Peace Corps, as director of the Guatemala and El Salvador training Center, and leading a bilingual education project, funded by USAID, with Quiche children in the highlands of Guatemala.
Since 2005 I have been living with my family in Silver Spring, Maryland and recently I met my dear friend and former classmate and roommate in New York City, Somprasong Whitayagiat. (See Meet-up picture) [1-18]
Email: julioramirezdea@gmail.com