Dr. Judith Akinyi Obiero is the Associate Director for the Archer Center for Student Leadership Development at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, New York. The Center is responsible for leadership and professional development of students as well as the non-technical skills they need in order to be successful in their academic and professional engagements.
Judith teaches several required courses, coordinates the Professional Leadership Series (PLS), and also facilitates custom-designed workshops and programs for organizations within the RPI community. Judith is a certified MBTI facilitator and a graduate of ATD 2017 Creating Successful Leadership Programs.
Judith joined the Archer Center in 2015 after a post-doctoral stint with the United States Department of Labor’s Job Corps program in Chicopee, Massachusetts. She graduated from University of Massachusetts with an Ed.D. in Education Policy and Leadership studies with a concentration in International Education. She has an MA in Sustainable Development from the SIT Graduate Institute and BA in Sociology & Linguistics from Egerton University, Kenya.
While at the University of Massachusetts, Judith earned a Graduate Certificate in Advanced Feminist Studies from the department of Women, Gender and Sexuality Studies .This has not only enhanced her understanding and appreciation of the human rights and a global justice perspective, but also equipped her with the conceptual and methodological tools for pursuing social justice education. Her major research interests focus on the dynamics of educational policies and practices, access to public education, equity issues in education; and the application of feminist intersectional theory and analysis in understanding and addressing the mechanisms and processes through which social policy and practice impact marginalized communities. [10-17]
Email Judith.obiero@gmail.com