Joanie joined USAID in Washington, DC in August 2020 as the Policy and Technical Leadership Lead at the Center for Education in the Bureau of Development, Democracy and Innovation. She was highlighted in an article appearing in USAID’s April 2023 newsletter in her role as Acting Deputy Director and Lead. Joanie is shown (right) visiting USAID/Colombia’s Juntos Aprendemos activity.[4-23]
As a member of the Senior Management Group, Joanie is responsible for policy and technical thought leadership and the implementation of USAID's Education Policy. She leads technical experts, oversees various USAID mechanisms focusing on technical and organizational capacity development for missions and the broader education community. She also leads the Organizational Effectiveness work stream for the Center for Education.
Previously in 2015 Joanie left Peace Corps to become a Senior Advisor for Literacy and School Readiness with Creative Associates. In that role she was the home office director of READ II, a large, USAID-funded reading program targeting up to 15 million students in Ethiopia.
Earlier while still at Peace Corps, In November 2014 Joanie was promoted to Chief of Programming & Evaluation at Peace Corps in Washington DC. Joanie worked at the Peace Corps since May 2012, when she began work as a literacy specialist there.
As Chief of Programming & Evaluation, Joanie managed and supervised 20 staff members in the Programming and Evaluation Unit in Overseas Program and Training Support (OPATS) at Peace Corps HQ in Washington DC - the unit that works most closely with field staff, including fellow CIE graduates Sherry Russell, Mike Simsik and Paul Jurmo.
Joanie worked with sector specialists in education, community economic development, youth, gender, environment, agriculture, nutrition, food security, technology for development and monitoring and evaluation. He helped design and deliver standards, guidance and multi-modal capacity building mechanisms for Peace Corps staff and volunteers worldwide. [3-21]
Email: joaniecm64@gmail.com