During her degree program Jenn worked as a research assistant on the USAID Education in Crisis and Conflict Network project, whose research team was based at CIE.
Before coming to CIE she interned for the U.S. Department of State, developing curriculum for the Resilient, Entrepreneurial and Dynamic Youth Initiative. Past work includes case management and social services for resettled Iraqi refugee populations in Denver, Colorado, management of women’s cultural mountain climbing exchanges in Iran and the US, and research and program management in community and public health initiatives in India, Bolivia, and Tajikistan
Since starting her doctoral program, Jenn has worked as an independent consultant in cross-sectoral program design, assessment, and evaluation for NGOs operating with refugees and IDPs around the world. This has included Syria, Jordan, Greece, Lebanon, and Kenya with particular emphasis on youth programming and participatory methods. She holds an Ed.M. in International Education Policy from the Harvard Graduate School of Education; an M.A. in cultural anthropology from the University of Colorado Denver; and a B.A. in Peace and Justice Studies from Tufts University.
Her doctoral research examines the humanitarian response efforts — including state and non-state actor programming and both Greek and EU policy— to the refugee influxes to Lesvos, Greece from 2015-2019. This involved field work that utilized ethnographic and participatory methods with asylum seekers, NGO workers, and state and EU officials. See article on her research here.
Since finishing her degree Jenn has been living in Western Massachusetts and working as an independent consultant. Her work has coalesced largely around dynamic and complex contexts in which strategic organizational learning and adaptation are critical to continued program growth and performance. She is experienced in qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods research design and implementation, and is currently focused on the use of participatory research methods— such as Photovoice— as means of combating the particular challenges (e.g. “focus group fatigue”) of data collection in humanitarian contexts. [12-20]
Email: jenn.flemming@gmail.com