Jennie is currently an international development consultant specializing in participatory research and evaluation. Recent work includes facilitating a kick-off retreat for the USAID Economic Growth Team in Rwanda in December 2015, and consulting for Creative Associates International, including a stint in Kabul, Afghanistan in 2013.
She has worked in over 33 developing countries in different parts of the world.
Jennie’s work took “quite a leap in a very different direction” when she became a certified Six Sigma expert working at an engineering company in Tucson, Arizona in 2005. She said, “Six Sigma is an approach that is designed to ensure program quality and improvement through the use both of quantitative and qualitative tools. It has its own brand of ‘participation’, using tools that are similar to what I used in my development work as well as tools that are used in private industry.”
An exciting off-shoot of her work with Six Sigma was co-founding an Engineers Without Borders (EWB) chapter at the company, in collaboration with EWB at the University of Arizona. “With headquarters in Colorado, EWB has over 200 chapters worldwide. 40% of the members in EWB do not have engineering backgrounds and as many are women. Many members come from the NGO community, the UN and Peace Corps. The combination of humanitarian intent with engineering technology is an approach that holds great promise” she explained.
During that period, Jennie reflected that “While my transition to the unfamiliar land of engineering technology is not anything that I had planned for, I remain open to the opportunity to learn… I continue to look for chances to channel resources in ways that can address people’s needs.”
Jennie is in regular contact with Rema Pai Nanda, Pat Maquire and Gudrun Forsberg and the Fuderichs on facebook. [11/16]
Email: jencampos@aol.com