Jeanne Moulton

Jeanne Moulton worked in business development at the Education Development Center (EDC) from 2010 to 2020. Prior to that she worked at Creative Associates International for five years in project management and proposal development, and during the 15 years before that, she was an independent consultant.


Her consulting assignments included project design and proposal writing and a wide range of technical assistance in basic education, education policy and related areas in Asia, Eastern Europe and Africa. Her most enjoyable assignments were in Uganda, Egypt, South Africa, Morocco and Romania.


She enjoyed work with wonderful colleagues, not a few of whom were CIE graduates, including among others Steve Anzalone at EDC, Renuka Pillay in Uganda and Margaret McLaughlin at FSI, and Mark Lynd at School to School International.


Jeanne retired from work in international education in December 2020. COVID had shut down opportunities to visit field sites (which is the joy of the work), and the end was not in sight. Since retiring, she has been writing, learning to draw, woodworking and playing the ukulele in beautiful Napa, California. [7/23]





Entrance Year: 
Graduation Year: 
5-year span: 
CIE Graduate