Jane Vella

After finishing her studies at CIE, Jane Vella taught at North Carolina State University and The University of North Carolina before founding the Jubilee Popular Education Center, now Global Learning Partners, Inc (GLP). Jane has worked in education since 1953, in over forty countries around the world. As a Maryknoll Sister, she taught at the University of Dar es Salaam in Tanzania where she where she lived from 1955 - 1977. Jane has spent the past fifty years developing new ways of thinking about learning and teaching. She advocates a new model of transformative exchange where teachers and learners are involved in a co-leaning and co-teaching process. For her, dialogue lies at the heart of this approach.


Jane has developed her ideas in a series of books, podcasts, an online course and diverse workshops available through GLP. She has written Learning to Listen Learning to Teach ( 1994, revised edition 2002), Training Through Dialogue ( 1997) How Do They Know They Know (1998) and Taking Learning to Task (2000). A second edition of Learning to Listen Learning to Teach was published in 2002.  In 2004 Jossey Bass published Jane's new book entitled Dialogue Education at Work, which she has written with twenty of her associates.  In 2008 On Teaching and Learning was published and 2016 will see the publication of Designing for Effective Learning.


The company Jane founded in 1981, Global Learning Partners, Inc., works on worldwide on issues of peace-building, anti-racism and gender issues around the world through Dialogue Education. Meet Jane on her back porch in Raleigh NC.  [7-11]





Entrance Year: 
Graduation Year: 
5-year span: 
CIE Graduate