Hye Seung Cho

I am now an Associate Research Fellow at the Korean Women's Development Institute, which is a leading government-funded women's research institute under the Prime Minister's Office in South Korea. My job is in the Center for International Development & Cooperation within the institute. I am in charge of research and projects regarding gender equality issues, especially at the international level. I am also involved in developing international cooperation projects to spread gender-equal culture and to improve awareness of it in developing countries as well as in South Korea.


I am currently also teaching Sociology of Education for undergraduate students in Chungnam National University.


Previously, I was a post-doctoral research fellow at the Center for Global Citizenship Education and Research at Chungnam National University. As my doctoral research was on Global Citizenship Education (GCE), I have conducted several studies on GCE with professors and graduate students at the university. [4-17]



Email: cho.hyeseung05@gmail.com



Entrance Year: 
Graduation Year: 
5-year span: 
CIE Graduate