I retired from Korea Research Foundation (KRF) in 1998. Since then, I have been teaching at Hankuk University of Foreign Studies in Korea and now I have one more year to go. I am blessed by God for enabling me to teach at this age.
Looking back on my days with the Foundation, I was heavily involved, as director of the Inter-Country Scholar Exchange Program, in the development of Korean Studies at overseas universities. In this regard, I contacted the Five College Consortium to explore the possibility of creating a tenure-track position, to be supported by the Korean government, in Korean studies. It ended up with the establishment of Korean Language and Literature at Smith College.
In 2002, I taught at Hamburg University, Germany, for one semester, and in 2006, I spent a year teaching at the University of Stockholm, Sweden. My teaching produced a manuscript on Who Are Koreans? Personality Traits and National Identity, written in English. The book was published in 2017.
The book provides fresh insights into the personality traits and national identity of Koreans. It features extensive coverage of factors that helped shape a people’s identity and seeks to capture cultural values in transition. The book provides an analysis of value conflicts and their implications for the future of liberal democracy in Korea.
I am one of those who benefited in CIE and I appreciate hearing Center news. [5/19]
Email: samhongsm@naver.com