Hank has spent the past 25 years or so in Thailand where he has pursued a career in teaching as well as founding and becoming the managing director of Cross-Cultural Management Co. Ltd. The firm has developed a series of focused training courses to assist expatriates working in Thailand to be more effective in communicating and working with Thai colleagues. To facilitate that goal he co-authored a book entitled: Working with the Thais: A Guide to Managing in Thailand. The book is intended for both newcomers and seasoned foreigners in Thailand. It provides useful steps to deepen your understanding, respect, and abilities to forge lively cooperation and teamwork between expatriates and Thais. (We have recently used parts of the book in a course here at CIE
Hank wrote recently on changes in his life:
Although I retired last year, at age 72, our company (Cross-Cultural Management Company, Ltd.) continues to thrive. (They seem to do better without the Old Man...) The company has several faithful clients, like Michelin, Citibank, three or four Thai companies, and some UN organizations. We still run cross-cultural training courses, of which an increasing number are for Thais and Japanese (rather than Westerners) who have to work together. Examples are Toyota and Daikin. Believe me, there are plenty of juicy differences between these two Asian cultures. Apart from our long-standing cross-cultural courses, we have moved into the more general areas of Leadership and Team-Building, using very unusual and stimulating techniques, I must say.
Between 2004 and 2006, I ran a series of articles about cross-cultural managers (problems and solutions) in Thailand's newspaper, The Nation. There were about 60 of these. In November of this year, we produced a book -- in the Thai language -- called, How to Work Internationally: Thais and Non-Thais Understand Each Other at Work. The 39 cases involve Westerners, Thais, and Japanese.
Our earlier book, in English) came out in 1995: Working with the Thais. This one is still going strong, in its 9th printing. Some of its cases are used at the Harvard Business School. If you don't have a copy at CIE, let me know and I'll send one.
I'm living most of the year in the Bay Area of San Francisco. I have tried some one-to-one tutoring. Good fun. There are many "retirement homes" out here, and I play the piano and guitar for them quite frequently. Also playing for a couple of USTA tennis leagues for fellow creepers, over 60. We are slow but crafty. [12-08]
Email: hcholmes@bkk3.loxinfo.co.th